Alabama woman recounts protests at the Capital

by 24USATVJan. 7, 2021, 1:01 p.m. 60

Washington, D.C. (WIAT) — An Alabama woman was right outside the Capital on Wednesday during protests of the Presidential Election.

Kristen Withers of Gulf Shores, Alabama who made the trip up with some friends. She tells CBS 42 she and her friends were out of harm’s way, but saw supporters and counter-protesters break into the Capital Building.

Withers says things weren’t chaotic outside the building and never felt in danger. She says most people were chanting and protesting. Withers says the attention from those who took it too far doesn’t reflect what happened throughout most of the protests and hopes the act of a few doesn’t outshine what most people were up there to do: protest the election results.

Several arrests have been made and one woman died after storming inside the Capital.


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