White House adviser Susan Rice on expanding opportunities for Americans

by 24USATVJan. 27, 2021, 1 a.m. 36

Well, Judy, it's good to be with you.

I served in the Clinton administration, the Obama administration, and now the Biden administration. And I can tell you that, while each of the previous administrations that were Democratic worked to advance racial equity and justice, what we have seen in the last week and the first week of the Biden presidency is something quite different and unprecedented.

President Biden on his first day in office implemented an executive order that will embed racial justice and equity in everything the federal government does, from how it collects data, to how it allocates resources, to how it assesses where we currently stand on matters of civil rights and racial equity. And it will hold each agency accountable for its results. We have never done that before.

And, today, beyond his whole-of-government, interagency commitment to ensuring that we put justice and equity front and center for everything, he rolled out a number of additional executive actions that will be beneficial for a wide range of Americans, combating xenophobia, for example, against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, who faced so much vitriol and animosity and even hate crimes resulting from previous leaders' attempts to target them in the context of COVID.

He instituted a very important housing regulation that will — or — excuse me — order that would lead to new housing regulations, quite likely, that would roll back what Donald Trump did to try to prevent full implementation of the Fair Housing Act.

So, there were many actions today, combined what he did last week. But, Judy, this is not the end of what we intend to do. This is six days in. We have a great deal more to do on all aspects of equity and justice.

The other thing I would mention is that the…


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